Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Spring Things

Just a few of the things I managed the last few months...purse for neice...slippers for mom...yarn/fabric dying with T...and the "Heart Love Blocks" from the ends of the dining room shelving we built (D and I). I know mom wears the slippers, as I see them laying around her house in various spots, and the blocks have provided hours of entertainment with T & G. And I'm pretty sure said neice (A) also enjoys the green scarf T and I dyed and gifted her in honor of learning to knit with me.

T is for...

T is for Take a moment
This boy is 4.
Space Party and Skateboard.
We made paper mache planets! (This post is a wee bit more than 6 weeks)

Friday, May 20, 2011


My favorites

Friday, March 4, 2011

Stolen moments

Modelling their summer 'cadet caps'. T, G, and A all got one...but the only one who actually likes theirs is T.
I went a little Valentines ape this year...I wish I took more pictures....I made over 40 felt hearts and had most of them hanging from our front yard crab apple tree. People would drive by and honk and wave when we were playing outside. "the love house". I hope we warmed up the winter a bit for all our neighbors...we'll see you when the snow melts!
Previously mentioned "adult sized sweater" that my man is grudgingly posing in. He loves it, wears it often, but was not pumped I made him pose mid cooking.
Oh there are so many other things I've made that I give away before taking a picture...I wish I could at least document my projects so at the end of a long week that feels totally stolen from me I can remember that I really do have a chance to enjoy my hobbies amidst it all. I asked my little lady the other day what she wanted to do while we had the house to ourselves and she said, "You do your 'Ninning' on the couch and I read a book to my baaaby". She gets it. We all need our down time. And now "A" is waking from his much needed nap that was a little too short...