Friday, February 20, 2009

I dream of daffodils

Googlie eyes, lids and markers keep little hands busy...until a threaded needle shows up!

One of this weeks scores was a set of red gingham cafe curtains...I've been dreaming of daffodils...I put the two of them together this morning while my son sat on my lap threading a needle through button holes...he did poke himself several times...but then again so did I. We both shrieked "Ow! That hurts!" and continued about our business. He may turn out to be the youngest man to sew a button because in fact he isn't even 2 for 6 more weeks! I'm such a proud Mimi.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Miscellaneous Treasures

This is just the most blissful flour sack I can imagine. "Happy Girl Enriched Flour". Perfect.
Grandma's Report Card from 1937...I just phoned her to tell her I found it and she proceded to tell me the most interesting story after I told her she did well in grade 3. Apparently (as she was the oldest of 14 she was only able to go to school up to grade 7) she worked as a housemaid for a doctor who coincidently delivered her and her siblings, as well as her children. This doctors son often asked her for help with school work and the doctor offered to send her to high school....but she declined because she had already been dating Grandpa for a few years and marriage was inevitable.  Her words...."Life is more important than education". And here we all are. Thank you Grandma.
A few random treasures I liked...the TINY tin, magnifying glass, and doily are my favorite.
I could go on...but I think you'll get bored of looking at my piles of fabric...I did get about 2 dozen hand embroidered vintage pillowcases though. Beautiful. Keep you all posted on what becomes of all this.

THREAD part 3

These were fun...and again...more were taken...but the table was shaking :) 

THREAD part 2 tin BEFORE organization (I can't wait to do something with the bowtie)

Mid organization of 'The Pile'
Grandma's knitting (I'm assuming) Great Grandma's Crocheting and a cross cut of wood...with a picture glued on and brown yarn wrapped around. Interesting. I love the mini-cable swatch. I now have teeny tiny double pointed knitting needles that are asking me to learn to make something teeny tiny like baby socks...or something
I love wooden spools. Grandma didn't throw ANYTHING away. These spools have the shortest strands layered on.


REALLY looking forward to my blogging tutorial from my dear ANM...I never remember how to get pictures to load in the order I want and so here we have my newly organized and finished tin of embroidery thread...
And here we have my OLD basket of embroidery thread...or what was left of it after my last few projects...

BUTTONS before Grandma...this was my button collection...well what was left of it. 
And here is the aformentioned box wrapped in my daughters blanket
I pulled all sorts of goodies out of this box...and tried to color coordinate my new button collection, but not all colors came out clearly due to my son being far too excited to keep the table still enough.

So there you have my "BUTTONS" post

Grandmother Load

I am pretty sure Grandma was thrilled to see her drawers and closets close easier and know that all those precious threads were going to have another chance to live. I have just spent the morning sorting embroidery thread and buttons. When the process of sorting is finished in its entirety I will post my picture collection....which I have greatly enjoyed compiling...but I may not get it on here today...hopefully by the end of tomorrow this pile will be sorted and captured and planned. 
MORE TO COME......(pictures mostly)
ps-greatest find this morning...Grandmas grade 3 report card from 1937. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Grandma Mary

Oh goodness gracious I can hardly contain my excitement...and yet I have to. Children woke from afternoon naps and I whisked us all away to Grandma's on the bus. Oh I love public transit and my children are happy to oblige me. Hours later, and much to my husbands chagrin, I filled 2 garbage bags and he humored me by loading them and the stroller into our tiny the 4 of us after a delicious grandma style dinner (boiled garden beans, carrots, and potatoes, fried chicken and the infamous cheese whiz gravy...oh and plum pie and coffee). 

I can hardly wait to take an organizational rampage on these goodies (still in said trunk) favorite steals that are on the tip of my brain:
-a giant vintage cookie tin brimming with embroidery thread
-a great woven basket with yarn and string and metal double pointed knitting needles (now I have to learn to make socks)
-a shoebox from well before my time, missing its lid, and bursting with buttons (which I wrapped very strategically in my daughters sleeping blanket and put in my bag)
-and a great stack of mismatched vintage embroidered pillowcases

I am sensing a great explosion will happen tomorrow as soon as my husband leaves for work. I am sure the children will participate. Photo's WILL be posted.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Okay...snagged my handiwork off ANM's site...(Thank you). I'm particularly pleased with my tweed and one day may think of moving beyond a pillow! (oh, and A...I particularly loved how you said you would never let the cats touch it...and then they love all over it. I'm glad...I think it's nearly indestructable anyways :))

Visual Thoughts

Okay, so finally plugged the camera in. First image here is the epi pen pouch I made for my niece who is too hip to wear a new kids on the block fanny pack. 
This here is Vala's dog bed. Save the laundry! Momo really enjoyed participating in the photo shoot as his usual companion likes to steal most of the attention.
This is a leather wrist cuff I made my husband for no reason at all. Just wanted to give him a 'your wonderful' gift. 
Here we have a random smattering of gift tags ... sorry the image isn't superb. 
I'm gonna try my brillance at getting an image of my handmade tweed pillow off a friends blog so I can show you that also. Otherwise...well...that's that.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

No pictures yet...wandering textile mind

So I realized since the camera was MIA for the salon opening I didn't take many pictures of my latest works...and now that I have I can't gather the coordination to get them on my computer.
I have been enjoying making my 'own fabric'. I recently finished weaving a great strip of tweed....that in fact I didn't even photograph. I just turned it into a delightful love filled pillow for our dear double date Valentine company...and I quote, "it's like an heirloom". I'm thoroughly enjoying exploring more methods of fabricating my ideas. 
I've also made a special someone a pouch to carry their epi pen. Play safe and look good, right? Layers of swirly freehand stitches on pink jersey to make a one of a kind fabric. I'll post pictures later. 
Dog bed in bright red faux suede..."momo" enjoyed the photo to come.
Custom order of gift tags for a friendly jewelery designer I to come.
And this week I am going to raid Grandma's closets...the date is set. Can't wait. Here I come Wednesday!
My husband is getting nervous about my passion for collecting. My cupboards are starting to overflow. How to free up your space and fill someone elses: Make a great pillow cover and stuff it with unwanted goods, stitch it up and give it away! 
My posts have no flow. Oh, the delicate balance of getting the dishes done, entertaining a toddler on your lap as you sew, grasping at a social life, and making dinner. 
Next project: completing the ones I've started. Moses Bed in Red, Gift Tags, more pillows commissioned?