Here we are again, I'm working on re-creating this amazing little bed I made for my son a few years back. I had some time while waiting for him to make an appearance and shortly after him and his bed made their first public appearance I recognized there was a market for these suckers. So handy to have when you're out and want to put your little one down. Smells like home. And so nice to be able to pick up a sleeping baby without waking them if you need to 'change locations'. Oh so many reasons I loved this bed...sheepskin from grandma, canvas from closet, super amazing vintage wooden handles from other grandmas....check my Etsy shop soon for a red faux suede version!
And I continue. I sold my first set of cards on Etsy less than 24 hours after posting them! I was pretty excited on the outside and kind of explosive pumped on the inside. Monumental moment really. Thank you dear Chicago Etsy shopper. You gave me joy by spending 9.50 on my little fabric treasures.
I'm so happy to give new life to the goods on this shelf. This is my 'studio'...housed in a teak hutch from my husbands grandma. It's been passed around a bit but I'm so happy to give it a home. I only hope I can keep it 'tidy' enough for said husband. Looks tidy to me. First go (aside from my own) at the mai tai baby carrier I'll be listing this weekend. I love these things. Such a savior in so many moments with a little bundle in tow...especially if it's beyond your first bundle. Hands free mama! Seriously, mine has been a little fabric miracle. If only I could figure out how to wear 2 at a time I could hike it with both kids, front and back!
Speculation: Despite the fact that all crafting procedes are intended to go towards a certain fund I like to call 'first holiday ever'...I think my sewing machine may find its legs giving out this year. Just over a decade with my little starter birthday machine. Thanks mom and dad!
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